Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Day +11 Is Just About History

I am enjoying the comments! Thanks for all of them.

Well the white count came up today to 0.6. That's enough of a move to notice. I expect them to be about 1.2 tomorrow. They apparently really take off when they start to move.

The platelets were up for the third day in a row to a whopping 66. I'll take it.

The red counts are still trending lower. Hemoglobin was down to 10.0. Hematocrit was down to 28.3. One of the nurses told me that the hemoglobin is about the last to bottom out, while platelets are usually the first.

Today was the 5th day of Neupogen. Yesterday I had an awful lower back ache. I thought that three days of laying around in bed with a fever did it. But it occured to me that it might be white cell growth. Bone pain is a common side effect of Neupogen, although I've never had any pain before. The doctor confirmed this morning that the Neupogen was pushing out the white cells and causing the pain. The two main reservoirs of bone marrow in our bodies are the hip and the sternum. So that is why the pain was in the hip and lower back area. Now today it hurt all over, especially in the knees, hips, and chest (sternum). In fact it hurt a lot. I reluctantly agreed to take a Darvon (sp?) last night. Well, this afternoon I asked for and got two. And I just asked for two more for 11:00. No time to be proud. (Please, sir, may I have another.) I could hardly walk around the room about 30 minutes after the Neupogen shot.

Tomorrow is another day. Go white cells!


At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless your heart. I know that you are in a lot of pain. Please do not be proud...take the medicine...nobody gives out awards for bravery when it comes to pain...trust me, I have had babies!!! Funny thing when people want natural child birth...we don't ask for "natural hip replacement" because that would just be silly!!!! Hope you have a better day today. I will see Lynday today at Bible study...it's raining cats and dogs here this morning...we need it, but I would rather have sun! I will give Lynday a hug for you.
Love, Cathy

At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know why I kept spelling Lynda with a "y"...sorry!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Come on... everyone is leaving UGA out! A lot of loyal GA lottery players paid for my HOPE so you didn't have to pay tuition Dad. Go Dawgs!

Traditional version... though I could never bring myself to sing the "to hell with Georgia Tech" part... you ruined me dad. :)

I like the dixie version better.

And if anyone wants to call the hogs.

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Max
Max, I know you have heard about the Ga. Tec. graduate who said, "Four years ago I couldn't spell engineer and now I are one."Well thats how I am about "blogging". I have heard people talking about bloggs for months now and had no idea what they were talking about. The best I could figure was that bloggers was a rock band wearing strange clothes with weard hair dancing around a stage under crazy flashing lights and shouting blogging words that no body could figure out. Well lo and behold now I are one.
About those whites, we both know that they will be back. sometimes it takes 10 neupogen shots for me but they always come back. I only hope the jackets count is zero when they meet the Dawgs.
They tell me those stem cells do wonders and we are confident they will work for you. You are in our prayers. Our prayers tent to be more on the "Thank you Lord" prayers now.

red & pat


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