Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I Got Out !!

Yep, they finally let me go about noon. I was packed and ready and standing at the door when the doctor came in. I made four laps around the floor before breakfast to tell everyone bye. The vast majority of the nurses and assistants were very caring, supportive, and informative. What a great staff. They made the stay as pleasant as possible. And I'll actually miss them.

Ken and I got checked in at the Rotary House Hotel about 2:30 since the room wasn't ready at noon. That gave us time to get lunch and fill prescriptions. M. D. has two full pharmacies just for M. D. patients.

I have to be babysat 24 hours a day until I get to come home. Ken is taking the first tour of duty. They want 24 hour babysitting due to the possiblility of severe GvHD (Graft vs. Host Disease). If I get an attack during the night someone has to get me to the emergency center across the street. At this point they are most worried about an attack on the GI track which could dehydrate me and make me pass out. I don't expect any problems since I have had few up to this point. But the BMT staff are very cautious. I'm hoping after a month or so of no problems they will relax the 24 hour babysitting requirement. I haven't tried to negotiate with them -- yet.

It felt quite strange going from an isolated environment to being able to get out. We ate at the restaurant in the hotel for lunch. I felt almost paranoid.

I do have to wear a mask when I'm out in public. That's a pain but a necessary evil. My immune system is the equivalent of that of an 18 day old baby. So I have to take the same precautions for myself as one would for a new born.

The overall white count was up nominally this morning, which is a very good sign because it didn't continue to drop. The neutrophil count was down, though, so I got a Neupogen shot in the belly. The red counts were down a fair amount, but the platelets were up. So all in all this was a pretty good day.


At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! We are pulling for you to continue on this path of improvement. You are a real trooper. Yes, you must be right about bald is beautiful....I've gotten several good comments since I have gotten a "flat top". Sending best wishes for you, Lynda, and the girls. Herbert & Ann

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news!!! I thought I heard someone shouting "FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST" about noon today. Must have been you. Believe me I know how it feels to get out of isolution after so long a time and I am so happy for you. I know Linda and the girls are on cloud 9. Red & Pat

At 11:27 PM, Blogger P said...

Everyone from TEC-155 says "Hi". We had our monthly meeting today and everyone was asking about you. We're all reading your blog and helping Gary figure out how to read it. (Gary, if you actually figure out how to read this - we're proud of you.) For the most part, everyone is fine. The next TEC meeting is October 17th. If you're up to it, we'll call you during "Significant Events" and you can report in. We've all decided that if we could get Lynda to sneak a digital picture of your bald head wearing a mask, we might be able to get you a cameo appearance on the TV show - Gray's Anatomy - as Max Dreamy (or do they already have that role filled?)

Now that you've opened up your blog for comments, you might actually see some of the "technologically challenged" CEO's starting to post to it. (don't hold your breath)

We're all rooting for you to kick the crap out of CLL, just like the DAWGS are going to kick .......(oh, sorry - Got a little carried away) I'm sure that the Jackets will do fine against NC State, Miami ,North Carolina, Duke and the rest of that ACC powerhouse.

Keep up the fight, my friend and keep us posted.


At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet it you are so excited to be out but on the other hand, you are out of your "comfort zone". Not to worry, God has his eye on you and is holding your hand each step of the way. Thank goodness for your brother...what a trooper!
I am on the phone with Lynda and she is taking Madi to school and trying to write down directions to school for Sarah and Madi is having a small melt down because she might be late to school...it's quite humorous!!! Be glad that you are in a quiet place with little distractions...it's nuts around here!!! I am so glad that Lynda is going to get to come there and be with you...how wonderful. Enjoy your time together and make sure she calls me if Madi needs anything.
Prayers and more prayers for you,

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sept 19th will be special from now on! We are so so so happy for you to be healthy enough to take this step outside the 11th floor. Keep careful as you are mingle with people once again. You and Lynda enjoy your time together. Love you,

Sondra and David

At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max......maybe I've figured this blog monster out, with Pete's help and my own brute strength and awkwardness! Sounds as if you are making great strides. Your frequent blog updates are really helpful in keeping us apprised of your progress. Gotta run for a one to one meeting. I'm looking forward to our next one to one in January. Best regards.



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