Saturday, March 15, 2008

SNS032 Infusion Went Well

It was a longer stay in the hospital than I anticipated. The first night was IV hydration. There's nothing to that except that you have to go to the bathroom all night long. The next evening they moved me to another floor where a telemetry room was available. That's when it got a little more complicated. The protocol for the infusion was complicated and the nurses on this particular floor were not familiar with it at all. So everyone proceeded carefully to make sure they got it right.

This drug is similar chemically to another drug, flavopuridol, which causes kidney problems. So, the protocol was written to monitor kidney function closely. Once the infusion started, blood tests were done hourly for about 8 hours. An IV was put in the my right arm just for drawing blood. Another IV was put in the left arm to infuse another drug to protect the kidneys. Then the SNS032 was infused through the central line in my chest. Then there were the lines hooked up to my chest to monitor heart activity constantly. So I was hooked up pretty well; Lynda got pictures. We got started with the infusion around 8:00 p.m. The hourly blood draws and vital signs took place until 4 am the next morning.

Oh. I almost forgot about the multiple EKG's. There were about four or five of those along the way as well.

Then I had to stay another day for less frequent blood draws and monitoring and the ongoing infusion of the stuff that protects the kidneys. So I had a longer stay than anticipated. All of this was right off the orders, but I just hadn't seen the orders until I got in the hospital. I always get a copy of the orders so I can double check that the nurses are doing what they are suppose to do.

I spent most of yesterday, Friday, trying to catch up on my sleep. I had no sleep to speak of for two nights. So I was dog tired.

I'll get three weekly infusions of SNS032. But the hospitalization only applies to the first infusion. Subsequent infusions can be done as an outpatient. They are not worried about the kidneys if you have no problems with the first infusion. As it turns out, they have had no kidney problems with anybody. But the protocol was written as it was and won't be changed.

So far there is no change in the size of the node under my right arm, which is the biggest one evident to me. This stuff doesn't work as quickly as Hyper CVAD. They anticipate some response after the second infusion. So I won't know much about the results for a while. I have no noticeable side effects so far.


At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, thanks for the up-date. Good to hear no noticeable side effects thus far. We keep praying for good results. God bless as you keep the faith. H & A.

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, it was great seeing you and Lynda at Mt. Bethel. Keep the faith and follow the protocol - progress sometimes comes in small steps, but it happens never the less.
What about UGA's finest showing of the year or for the past several years for that matter, happening at Alexander, but without GA Tech being present? Tornados in downtown Atlanta, UGA going to the tournament, but not GA Tech - some strange things are happening.
Take care, and you might start forcasting tournament games - you must admit that after your football calls, you probably should try another sport!!


At 1:15 PM, Blogger Max said...

I think I'll switch to golf. And my prediction is ..... Tiger Woods.

Great to see you guys, too.


At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I know you're glad to get this phase of attack kicked in gear. Glad to hear no side effects. Keep the info coming and you're in our prayers.


At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for the updates - it is great to be able to keep up with you. TEC - oops - Vistage 155 meeting at my office tomorrow - we still miss you in our meetings.

Glad there are no side effects - hope the second infusion starts kicking the nodes. Your Tiger prediction was a good one; golf seems to be more predictable than football these days...

You are in our daily prayers - keep fighting the good fight and we will keep praying.


At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update.
Glad to hear the infusion went without problems and side effects.
All the best.


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