Still In Limbo
It looks like I'm not going to move up to the next cohort group and get the higher dose of SNS032. The subjects already in that group have had some toxicity problems with the drug. That's the whole point of a phase I study. You keep increasing the dose for each cohort group until you reach a human being's limit. These guys in the next group may have hit theirs. Sunesis is adding two more to the group and will evaluate them in 28 days. If they also develop problems then that dose may beyond what humans can tolerate. Sort of makes me glad they didn't put on the next higher dose. Ha.
That leaves several burning questions regarding treatment. One is will they have a dose that's in between the dose I'm on and the current dose? Another is what are they going to do with me otherwise?
For the time being it looks like I'm going to continue to get the drug at the dose I've been getting. In fact we start the third cycle this week. It looks like this is just holding my place in line until they decide what to do about the SNS032 dosage. I don't have many good alternatives, so this will have to do.
In the meantime, my stomach continues to get better. But I'm far from 100%.