Monday, April 14, 2008

Started the 2nd Cycle of 032

I haven't posted in a while. I've just not felt like it since John Slatin passed away. I've got his blog bookmarked in a folder next to mine. But life goes on, so here we go.

I received the first of the three infusions that will constitute cycle 2 last Thursday. And again it really made me fatigued. I slept all day Saturday after we got back. I felt better yesterday and a little better still today. I don't think the fatigue has a thing to do with coming off the steroid, Medrol.

We had a difficult trip. We missed the plane going to Houston because we couldn't find a parking place. So for $100 Delta got us on the next flight. Then for the return flight Delta called Friday morning and told us our flight Friday evening had been canceled. Heh, heh, heh. I got my $100 back in that exchange. Fair dinkum as the Aussies say.

We stayed Friday night at Kenny and Annette's and got to play a little bridge. Kenny took us to the airport Saturday morning. We usually fly in and out of Hobby, which is closer to the Medical Center, instead of Intercontinental, aka Bush, but Kenny lives near Bush so we flew out of there this time. I've been stuck due to weather too many times at Bush to risk flying out of there much anymore. But at 7:15 am, the chances of bad thunderstorms are pretty low. Hobby is a much smaller airport and doesn't get backed up like Bush does.

Atlanta could sure benefit from having two airports like Houston.

As far as the Sunesis drug, I think we are all disappointed in it. I've got new nodes that have popped up in spite of taking the drug. They are not proliferating rapidly but they shouldn't be popping up at all. So I think after this cycle, Keating will try something else. He told me that they would keep coming up with new drugs to try faster than I can go through them. I guess that's good news, but I'm not sure. I'm definitely a true guinea pig at this point. I was the first human to receive the Sunesis 032 drug at this dosage.

I'm afraid he will run me through another round of Hyper CVAD, probably part B, before starting another drug. That's the regimen that really took it out of me last summer. It's really hard on the red count. They will probably want to get rid of the nodes before they start the next experiment, which the Hyper CVAD regimen is very good at doing temporarily.

My eyes seem to be getting better, but they still require drops several times a day. I have a pair of prescription sunglasses, too. Those are actually pretty nice. I went with the progressive lenses this time. Should've done that instead of bifocals last time. I miss my contacts, but those days are probably gone.

That's all for now. I go get more 032 this week.


At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, we're so sorry the Sunesis is not what we wanted. Many prayers are lifted up for you daily. Keep looking up as we pray for the perfect infusion. God bless you with peace and strength. H & A.

At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, thanks for the new blog - I keep reading the last one, so needed some new material. You and all your supporters wanted Sunesis to be the answer, but I know there is the new drug out there that will do the job. You are remembered often in the conversations and prayers around Mt. Bethel and the Open Circle.
Take care.

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Max, Herbert and Ann got us connected to your blogg. I am so pleased you are continueing with the studies to find your cure. Red and I believed (and continue to believe) there will be a cure. It is disapointing that this drug did not work but it is wonderful that you remain a canidate and that there are other drugs that are considered beneficial. I keep you, Lynda, Laura, Allison, and Mattie in my prayers every morning and every night. I look forward to reading your news and I thank you for sharing this with us. I love you, Aunt Pat

At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for Blogging and keeping us up to date. I realize it must be difficult to do when you are not feeling well but I like keeping up with what is going one.

We had a similar incident in Houston last week, we took the kids out west for Spring Break and flew through Houston. I will spare you all the gory details but will sum it up by saying flying with 3 girls, as you know first hand, is never easy nor fun!

Keep up your chin up. Paul Johnson is expected to do good things for Tech and kick off for the 2008 football season is only 135 days away!

John C.

At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


We're all here for you. You are in my prayers daily! Keep fighting the good fight. We are all in this together, you know.
The progressive lens' are hard to get use to, but once you do, they're pretty good. I'm starting to wear mine all the time. I wish I could wear contacts too. Just can't tolerate them though.
Keep us posted...


At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max,I am sorry to hear the drug is not working as hoped.I pray they will get a drug that will have the effect we all desire.Keep up the fight,you are in my prayers.

At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, We were glad to hear from you again and keep you in our prayers. Tonight was the training session for the Marrow Registry and we learned lots from Stacey Toney. She was very good and we are feeling more confident about our drive with the info she gave us tonight. Tom and I feel like we are better educated after this session. We hope to see you and Lynda again soon!
Take care - Debbie


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