Thursday, October 26, 2006

Day 55 & VT is whoopin Clemson

As I said last week, it would be tough for Clemson to beat both Tech's back to back. VT seems to have caught on to the idea that you have to stop Clemson's running game, even if you have to stuff the line and risk giving up a pass play. But Clemson's QB is not a great passer. Clemson's strength is it's running game, not it's quarterback play. When you start a senior for the first time at QB you know the talent may not be there. UGA seems to have discovered that, too.

What in the world Tenuta (GT's defensive coordinator) was thinking is a mystery to me. But Clemson played an almost perfect game against GT. That's hard to duplicate two weeks in a row, especially against VT and Frank Beamer, who's team has been down but can't be expected to stay down. So no surprise tonight.

The former World's Biggest Cocktail Party will be interesting for awhile Saturday. If UGA can't get up for this one they will have a long season. But it's not so much a question of getting up for the game as it is about the talent pool on each team. Gators should win this win one pulling away in the second half.

Tech, I think, is questioning itself after such a poor performance at Clemson. Miami will win a close one there, probably by 10 or fewer points. Miami is a wounded animal and GT is questioning their manhood.

Worse news is that if we do lose that one, we'll lose to NC State in Raleigh next week, too. Then we'll be relegated to playing someone like Louisiana Tech in the Two Buck Chuck Bowl in some God forsaken place. And we all know how Chan Gailey's teams play in third teir bowl games.

More weak minded predictions tomorrow.

I may get some idea from Dr. Khouri tomorrow about when I might get to come home. It's still a little early to get too optimistic, but it makes for good speculation.


At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Turkey!

Glad things are going well. Will be up at the Miami game tomorrow and will try to yell a little louder to make up for your absence. You're right about needing this game. Will miss you.

Randy & Kathy

At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I found your comments about the football games quite interesting and easy to interpret...easier than your medical essays that you usually write! Ha Ha Clemson's passing game is lame to say the least and I agree with your comments about the GA/FL game also!

Can't wait to hear when your release date is so we can all wear masks and come over and see you in person!
Prayerfully, Cathy

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, who is John C? , and how dare he compare Clemson to Walton's JV team...I take personal offense to son is the WR for the JV team and they had an excellent record this season!!! Walton is way better than Clemson!

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I bet Tech had a couple of extra practics this week after last week's loss. Tech will win! I can't stand Miami. Or the Gators. GO DAWGS!!! The World's Largest Outdoor Sober Picnic will certainly be interesting to watch I'm afraid.

I hope we get to see you at home on Thanksgiving! Though I was looking forward to getting to try out Prego. :) We missed you tonight!

At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We did miss you tonight! Birthdays are just not the same without you!!!
Had a wonderful time with Laura and Madison at dinner and Alli called and sang Happy Birthday with 15 of her closest friends!!!
Looking forward to seeing Randy and Kathy tomorrow night after "The Big Game". GoTech!!! And Go Georgia!!! Had to throw that in!!!
John C. Better be careful, I think you're getting in trouble with Cathy W.!!! I'll let you get yourself out of this one!
Good night Max and I'll see you soon!
Love, Lynda


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